マイケル・ブレッカー RIP
Today marks the fifth anniversary of Mike Brecker’s passing… a voice that was heard around the world and will never be forgotten, a dear friend with whom I shared wonderful musical moments from the 1960s to his passing and who truly knew what Coltrane meant in the scheme of things. Michael recognized the value of music, of jazz music specifically, beyond the material world. One might not expect such an awareness because of his extraordinary success crossing over to the pop world and what that meant, but Mike KNEW what the real deal was about. He wasn’t sucked into the usual scenario and values which accompany a that level of notoriety. Mike stayed the course and if only for that I miss him a lot.
- Lieb
Michael Leonard Brecker 1949年3月29日 ペンシルベニア州フィラデルフィア生まれ
2007年1月13日没 57歳
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